Achieve Total Cost of Operation Benefits Using Cloud Computing
Create a Culture of Cost Management
Use tools like AWS Trusted Advisor and AWS Billing Explorer
Put data in the hands of everyone
Reduces feedback loop between information/data and the action to correct usage and sizing issues
Enact policies and evangelize
Best practices to drive operational excellence
Spend time training
Educate staff on the items affecting the cost and steps to eliminate waste
Create incentives for good behavior
Encourage cost effectiveness throughout the organization
Driving Cost of Operation
Funding Models
Traditional Data Center
Few big purchase decisions are made by a few people every few years
Typically over-provisioned as a result of planning up from for spikes usage
Decentralized spending power
Small decisions made by a lot of people
Resources are spun up and down as new services are designed and then decommissioned
Cost ramifications felt by the organization as a whole are closely monitored and tracked
Spending Habits
Actively manage workloads - turn services on and off as needed
Eliminate surprises. Provide visibility into costs by making dashboard review a daily habit
Make cost optimization a joint effort. “Spenders” closely working with “watchers”.
Allocate charges to organizations actually using services.
Savings. Know who uses services and how they use them. Select best rate, evaluate pricing options that best meet the workload.
Tie spending to business metrics. Determine what gets measured, track usage, and identify areas for improvement.
Use innovative approaches to optimize spend. Consider policies such as “default off” for test and dev. as opposed to 24/7 or even “on during business hours”.
Total Cost of Operation
Reduced investment in large capital expenditures
Reducing operating expense (OpEx) costs involved with management and maintenance of data
Migration model that delivers optimal cost efficiency:
Identify current and Migration Cost
Labor, Network, Capacity, Availability/Power, Servers, Space
Determine Break-Event Costs and Timeframes
Calculate Savings Following the Transition
Total Costs of Migration (TCM)
IT staff will need to acquire new skills
New business processes will need to be defined
Existing business processes will need to be modified
Cost of discovery and migration tooling needs to be calculated
Duplicate environments will need to run until one is decommissioned
Penalties could be incurred for breaking data center, colocation, or licensing agreements
Migration Bubble - time and cost of moving application and infra from on-premises data centers to the AWS Cloud. Certain costs increase during the move.
Migration Bubble
Employ Best Practices
Determine top-line business metrics
Stay on top of instance utilization
Choose a cadence, and regularly measure results for services that have moved to the cloud
Use tools that track performance and usage to reduce cost overruns
Keep track of running instances. Optimize the size of servers and adjust as needed
If an instance is underutilized, determine if you need it or resize it
Be up-to-date with new AWS technologies with certain cost benefits
Distribute daily spending updates
Provide weekly reporting to evaluate and drive accountability
Teams should review bills and optimize costs during dev/test and prod
Create atmosphere of friendly competition, leaderboard that highlights teams with the best cost efficiencies
Every engineer can be a cost engineer
Innovate. Spin Up instances to test new ideas.
Build sizing into architecture. Use tagging to help with cost allocation.
Schedule dev/test. Eliminate waste of resources not in use.
Build automation into services
Automate processes so that they turn off when not in use to eliminate waste
Automate alerts to show when thresholds have been exceeded
Configuration Management. Every machine defined in code spins up or down as needed to drive performance and cost optimization.
Set alerts on old snapshots, oversized resources, and unattached volumes and then automate and re-balance for optimal sizing.
Eliminate troubleshooting. If an instance goes down, spin up a new one. Stop wasting time on unproductive activities.