A small tutorial on how to install vsftpd and setup a separate user.
Please follow these steps to install vsftpd service on your ubuntu machine.
# adding a new local user
useradd -g ubuntu ftpuser
# change the password of the new user
passwd ftpuser
# checking the user information
id ftpuser
# checking the user group
groups ftpuser
# changing the group of the user
usermod -g ubuntu ftpuser
# installing and configuring vsftpd
sudo apt-get install vsftpd
sudo vim /etc/vsftpd.conf
# anonymous_enable=NO
# local_enable=YES
# write_enable=YES
# chroot_local_user=NO§
# to display the hidden files using the ftp client:
# hide_file=none
# force_dot_files=YES
# local_umask=000
sudo service vsftpd restart
# pam_service_name=ftp
# Enabling passive ports:
# pasv_enable=YES
# pasv_min_port=64000
# pasv_max_port=64321
# port_enable=YES
# pasv_address=[your public ip]
# pasv_addr_resolve=YES
after this, make sure that the port range 64000 - 64321 is enabled in your amazon ec2 security groups or iptables
# configuring ftp user home directory:
sudo mkdir /home/ftpuser
chown ftpuser:ubuntu /home/ftpuser
Publish Date: 2014-09-10